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Monday, April 25, 2005

Sacred Pathways

I've been reading through a book called Sacred Pathways for a class that I'll be teaching in the fall. It's firming up alot of things that God has taught me by "trial and error" in trying to figure out how to grow in my relationship with Him. The formula of church attendance and a thirty-minute devotional time has long been rendered stagnant for myself and many others. Since we usually enter into that experience from a place of little or no spiritually significant time, that "formula" helps for a time.

But eventually we find that we just have to grow closer to God. We realize that there are greater depths and higher heights and we long for more of Him. It's kind of like we start a relationship through love-letters and dinner-dates. For the relationship and especially romance to blossom we've got to move beyond those times.

I'm excited about helping people to understand these "new" (but not really new) ways to connect with God through understanding their own physical/emotional makeup and freeing them up - NOT to leave behind church attendance and devotional time - but to build onto those good things. After all, they are not the end so much as they are the means to an end which is the growth of their relationship with God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sacred Pathways is one of my top ten favorite books. It helped release me from the guilt of failed quiet times (in a closed up room) but explained why every time I walked outside God was right at my side. It made me realize why visual art screams "Creator" to me while church services in a beige gymnasium make me seasick!

12:35 PM


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