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Monday, May 29, 2006

Time Together and Time Alone

Long weekend - sort of. I was off Friday and Saturday, worked Sunday, and I'm off today. It's a holiday weekend, also our twelfth wedding anniversary. Since I would be working on our actual anniversary, we celebrated on Friday with dinner out at Guiseppe's and a movie - X3 - which was very good. Saturday morning we watched the final episode of LOST... Summary: Some answers, more questions . After church we went to the Sawyers for Wallace and Grommit and a surprisingly fun game of Croquet. That game is addictive. Must be the Irish/English blood in me... But wait - isn't that a French name? Ah, whatever.

I spent Sunday afternoon on my own - the family went up to Maysville for Granny's b-day celebration and will be back later tonight. I got to enjoy some of my favorite places and discovered a new spot... I walked at Spring Cove and the Capitol, and finally went over to the Wetlands Nature Reserve. I listened to the iPod while walking - I'm really digging The Violet Burning (I See Stars) and Pedro the Lion (The Secret of the Easy Yoke). Here's some stuff I wrote during my wandering... stop reading now if you don't know what to do with my poetry.

On the Fallen:
The mighty trees have fallen, up-ended
By a little wind and their own weight.
They stood, majestic, green-crested in the moment;
They lie, pathetic, moss-encrusted and splintered
Worm ridden, unfit even for burning, they rot away.
Do I stand as one of these fallen sentinels once did?
Beautiful, tall, and temporary as a breath?
Lord, save me from me. Uproot and sever me
from weak, sickly roots - graft me as a mere branch,
quickened by You alone.

Where am I?
Walking among slender, straight trees, white snow swirls around my feet; purple butterflies frolic and weave about... is this Heaven? The shafts of sunlight catch the slow-motion descent of a million tiny feathers, each carrying a single seed. From where do they fly? And where am I?


Blogger Michael Burchett said...

My friend from college got the violet burning cd at Goodwill and we listened to it on the ride back to the campus, it is pretty good (I thought so at least)

8:45 PM


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