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Thursday, September 08, 2005

Who do I want to be?

Who do I want to be? That’s the big question for me today. I’m not talking about a career search or anything. Actually, it’s due to the fact that I’ve realized in the past few days that I have this tendency to strive to be like others that I admire. Whether it’s their personality, their leadership style, whatever - I find myself frustrated by my attempts to keep up. And on top of that, I’ve subtly replaced pursuing Christ-likeness with becoming more like another person. So why do I do it? Is it because Jesus wouldn’t qualify to fill my position at the church? Is it because the friends I have wouldn’t like to hang out with Jesus? I don’t think either would be true… but the way I’m thinking is as good as if to be like Jesus were not my highest goal. How ridiculous is that?

Lord, I want to be like You. Then I can truly be myself – the one you created me to be.


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