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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Goodbyes, Security, and Wisdom.

Guess I'll take advantage of the free WiFi at Bluegrass Airport! The morning was great, but tough to say farewell to Esther and Sara. I love my girls so much! I've taken the sock-footed stroll through security and I''m redeeming the time by making sure my iPhone settings are not going to cost me an arm and a leg for accidental roaming fees!

This morning I started a walk through Proverbs. Who doesn't need wisdom? I know I do. Proverbs 1:25 grabbed my eye... It's a bit of a rebuke, but reminded me that God is constantly holding out wisdom to us. The two forms of wisdom in this verse are "advice" and "correction"... I was thinking I'd rather get advice on the front end than the rebuke on the back end. But, even so, since we belong to a Father who loves us immensely, we can glean good from either one. His advice is solid. And His correction is anything but mean spirited - it's for our good!

Speaking of seeking God's direction and advice... I look forward to Him revealing the unfolding agenda of the weeks ahead. I know so far that I've got a number of one on one connections lined up and two evening messages to preach. I may get to help lead worship a few times as well. So, even with the little bit that's been revealed, there's plenty of exciting opportunities for God to move.

Please be in prayer for myself and my family as I'm away. Thanks friends!


Blogger MaryHelen said...

I'm so glad that you posted...even though it was the other day. I love your thoughts. I'm praying for you. Please blog again when you can. I'll be looking..and praying. mh

10:36 AM


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