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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I'm gonna die.

Rarely will I do something just because everyone else is doing it, but a few days ago I was sucked into the fun. I joined a bunch of God-fearing, Christ-loving co-laborers of mine in a crazy feat - swimming across the lake at the retreat center we were visiting. We had done it last year and it was no big deal. But this year the weather is still cold. One friend commented that there was still ice in the shade on the banks of the lake...

Here's the "stream of consciousness" replay:

This will be hilariously crazy. Man, do I dread the thought of climbing out of that lake in to the 50 degree cold. Shed the shoes and sweatshirt and get a life jacket. Hey, guys, wait up! Run for the edge of the water. Lord, don't let them scream about how cold it is when they jump in or I don't think I can do it. They didn't scream. Cool. Hold onto your glasses while you jump in or they're gone. Leaping, falling, my entire body is buried in ice. Get to the surface, have to get to the air and the light. The life-jacket does it's work. I know now why they didn't scream. I can't breathe. I can't take in a breath! Swim hard or you'll freeze to death. Move and just maybe you won't die. Kick, swim hard. Will I pass out if I don't take a breath? I'm slowly respiring again. Now it's the same distance to go forward or backward, and I can't keep going. Stop. Rest. Kick. Breathe. Better get going. Keep going. Swim faster. There it is. The end of suffering. The dock. Snakes at the dock? I don't care. One arm thrown over the dock and I don't have the strength to pull myself up... I'm lifted out by a friend. I'm dripping wet. And I'm so stinking hot that I am astounded. The 50 degree air is so much warmer than the water that I feel like it's 90 degrees out. I can't believe we did that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What fun! Soon you will be ready to join the Polar clubs that do that in mid winter!!!

5:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done, well done.

8:19 PM


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