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Sunday, April 16, 2006

I dare you to move...

OK. So we returned from yet another Northern Ireland visit with heavy hearts and yet a wild anticipation of what God is doing and will do there in the months to come. While we could move there today, we felt that God was saying to wait. That was difficult. But God has been moving pieces around on the board. We are confident that He will make it clear when it's time to go.

At one point on the trip, I was getting frustrated because I felt like there was no clarity. I said, "God, I don't know what you're doing. But I know what I'm doing... waiting!" It took me a while to get past the frustration. Finally, in Isaiah 64:4 I heard God's response to my ranting:

Since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like You who works for those who wait for Him.

So I actually do know what God is doing while I'm waiting. He's working.


Blogger Michael Burchett said...

nice. I kind of feel the same way with my internship in Northern Ireland as I did about the Northern Ireland trip 2 years ago: God told me to go, but not quite yet. I think it will be about a year or so. Maybe if you are there at that point I could intern with you.

8:22 PM

Blogger Natalie said...

i love my jersey. its great!

7:08 AM


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