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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Head cold

A head cold in the summer? How frustrating is that? I can understand it in the winter - it's like there's a reason to be sick. But the sinus fog should be lifting around summer time, shouldn't it? Maybe it's the whole thing with going swimming when it's like 78 and breezy. We saved up and bought a pool pass, so whenever it finally stops raining and gets sunny out, we're at the pool. The cold hasn't been too bad - but it must be getting to me... "I do believe I've taken a draft." We're loving the waterslides at the pool. I'm a big diving board fan, but the girls are too small and I feel bad leaving them with my wife for too long by herself.

All that to say, I can ramble on and on about nearly anything, and I have a head cold.


Blogger Michael Burchett said...

head colds are no fun. By the way I started a live journal too. It isn't necessarily going to replace the good ol' blog, but I will write in that too, so if you are so inclined then the address is

10:31 PM


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