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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Und das Wort wurde Mensch und wohnte unter uns...

If I had to pick one book of the Bible to read for the rest of my life, it would be a toss-up between John and Isaiah. I lean toward John, though. If I had to pick one chapter of the Bible in the same JJ Abrams scenario above, it would be John 1. If I had to pick one verse, John 1:14.

Where would you land for your one book, one chapter, and one verse?

Anyway, I've gravitated back to John this week. I've been in John 1:1 for the past three days. Jesus' identity as The Word, logos, is sooooo rich. In the original cultures logos was communication of the gods (little 'g') to the people. Logos was the creative power of the gods to speak things into existence. (I wonder where they got that story? Hmm...) It was also the communication of people with the gods, or prayer. Mythology has Hermes carrying the logos back and forth. So it was not just the Word so much as it is the ongoing intersection of God and man. The opening wide of communication. The Word becoming flesh and living right under our feet. I am still stunned by the fact God would do this. Stunned.


Blogger Unknown said...

hey Will! Enjoyed your thoughts on logos. I remember studying the greek in college, and getting a lot of cool insight from the various translations of logos - speech, reason, ratio. Obviously I won't argue that 'word' is the best translation, but there was a lot of depth to thinking about the implications of these other meanings. I was especially drawn to the meaning of ratio - thinking about the golden mean, this golden ratio that is all over mathematics and thus found all over nature, some would argue this ratio is what makes things beautiful, pleasing to our sight. To think of Christ as this golden mean, this beautiful ratio... well it's been a while since I thought about it, but I'm glad that your post brought these things to mind again!

I would agree: if I were to pick one book to read, I think it would be John. Gotta go with a Gospel here, and John would be my pick.
It would be a hard toss up between chapters 1 and 17 for me.

11:02 AM


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