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Sunday, May 08, 2005

Free and greedy

I've been listening to the U2 collection from 1990-2000 and this lyric grabbed me this morning:

"What you thought was freedom is just greed."

Makes me wonder about what I do with the freedom that I have, not only as an American but as a Christ-follower. Do I use freedom as a license to collect more and more? Do I grab the grace of God so that I can be happy today? How can the freedom I have be used to set others free?

Even as I write I receive a phone-call from a "special needs" friend of mine. I am challenged, my own inability exposed. How can I fully pursue the desire in me to love well? Lord help us all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent question, Will. I often pray that I may love better, or more fully, or more faithfully. I fail continuously.

But knowing I fail isn't such a bad place to be. It's humbling. James 4:10

Catch you later.


7:01 AM

Blogger Will said...

Great scripture - that's where our growth begins...

8:18 AM


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