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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Back to it.

I'm getting back to it after last week's surgery. I slept on my stomach for the first time in a week last night! You may not appreciate the joy I took in that... I had lots of down time last week - watching movies, reading (not much), playing video games, and basically just chilling. With the pain meds, though, I couldn't do anything for very long - it took three days to finish Gladiator and two to finish the second half of The Kingdom of Heaven. My reading was limited to about three pages total. My new FIFA06 video game helped to break up the monotony and stave off cabin fever. I won championships in the Premier League, Der Bundesliga 1, the Spanish Primera, and the Portuguese SuperLiga. Aren't you proud of me? Anyway - thanks for all of the prayers for my recovery. I'm back to work but still experiencing some pain that I'm not sure is normal. I'm going back to visit the doc tomorrow and should find out more then. So, it's official: you have just read the long awaited post-op posting!


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