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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I got rid of my desk.

I was sitting in my office last week and thinking, "Why in the world do I have this massive desk in here?" I guess it was there because it was an office. Made sense to have a desk, you know? What did it hold, though? A little phone, a laptop, a lamp, and that was about it. So now the phone is mounted on the wall, the lamp replaced with a floor lamp, and my laptop sets upon an elevated cafe table. I wonder if there's anywhere else in my life where I have things (or do things) just because they're expected?


Blogger tdurbs said...

In the words of my (virtual) friend Joshua Longbrake: "The less you have, the better off you are."

Or, as my (fictional) friend Tyler Durden says:
"The things you own, end up owning you."

Or, as (our mutual friend) Jesus says:
"Desks are highly overrated." (Or something like that)

8:31 AM

Blogger Michael Burchett said...

An office without a desk!? You may just start a revolution here!

11:09 PM


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