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Monday, July 16, 2007

Death by doggie.

Maybe not exactly a brush with death since my life didn't flash before my eyes... I was running today, as I often do on my lunch break. At the back of the church property, I looked up and saw what looked like a gathering of people in a circle having a picnic. It turned out that it was one lady sitting and reading, surrounded by a dozen large dogs. As soon as they saw me, the dogs charged. I went, "Well, Lord, I can't do anything about this myself... Help!" I'm thinking - don't be afraid, they can smell fear. What do you do, though, smile at them? After the prayer and the thought I went totally blank. (Which makes me wonder - if I'm ever attacked by a bear, will I remember what the Worst Case Scenario survival guide says to do?) As I ran into the charging pack, they were nipping at my heels and fingers and finally the lady called to them to back off. They finally left me alone when I stopped running and stood still... I lived to walk away with the distinct feeling of drool (I think I was still in control of my bodily functions) running down the back of my leg.


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