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Monday, August 21, 2006


Sunday felt odd being back in the worship center at Southland, surrounded by 3,000 other worshippers in the fourth service of the five on the weekend. I felt like a stranger, a bit disconnected after worship last weekend at Newcastle Baptist with friends from several denominations singing together as members of one body. It was like a gift, however, that God led our worship team to sing "I Stand Amazed"... That song spanned the gap in some ways. I closed my eyes and remembered that this is not about location - it's about our One True God. There will be a day where we will be divided by neither denomination, time, nor location - nothing at all to separate us from God or one another. Today, I have an acute ache for that day.

Lord, thank you for the Body of Christ. Unite us in this world as we look forward to that glorious unity yet to come.


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