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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Transfixed by the shades

Color has been catching my heart recently. In a worship service the other day I was suddenly transfixed by the color purple. What was the quality of it that grabbed my attention? The depth. The richness. I can picture the velvety shade even now. Another day it was the blue of the sky. The baby fading across the sky to Williamsburg. The shades of green in the grass found my eye next. How I wish this color-thing had been in the forefront a few months ago when I was in Ireland, the land of a thousand shades of green - bright, olive, hunter and everything in-between. The lessons of studying the properties of light in physics class come back as I consider this. The colors that grab my attention the most are on the short wave-length side of the spectrum. Are the colors I see in the blues, greens, and purples more appealing to me simply because they are smaller than the light waves that make up the color red? Smallness is greatness in life, why not in light?


Blogger Michael Burchett said...

hey will, I like it, I am a big fan of color myself, in fact, I am overall a naturalist ( I may have already told you this) Anyways, sorry I couldn't come with you to the bookstore, but i'll be there tommorow to work. see you later.

9:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you must be busy and all, but I'm really looking forward for another post sometime soon.

7:43 PM


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