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Monday, January 28, 2008

Super fort!!

This weekend, while my wife was away for a few hours, the kids and I built a super fort in the living room. This involved the heavy-lifting work of moving two couches and a chair, piling pillow walls, balancing couch cushions to create a roof, spreading blankets to complete the shelter... It was massive. And, stuff it, I just realized I forgot to take a picture. Hey - I don't care if you don't have kids, I have an assignment for you. Build a fort in your living room in the next week and have a blast!

Oh, yeah! While we were constructing our modern marvel yesterday, I was keeping half and eye on the fussball match on the tele. We witnessed a highly bizarre moment during the FA Cup match between Sheffield United and Manchester City. The City fans had brought balloons with their club's colors to the match and released them in support of their club just before the kickoff. Check out the result...


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