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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Superhero syndrome.

I know. The title is a bit confusing as Syndrome was a super villain in "The Incredibles". Anyway, I'll ask you to set that aside for a moment. I've had it brought to my attention recently that I am not a superhero. At least not in a feel-good-about-yourself-because-you're-so-necessary-to-humanity's-having-a-good-day sort of way. I know some of you out there have heard me teach about how we can be a superhero: rescuing others, pulling them back from the metaphorical ledge on which they're standing. I still believe that's true. This is more of a coming down from the vague sense that I can feel important because of what I do. I wasn't really aware of this syndrome until I found myself in a spot of wondering where the significance went. (Note that all of this sort of awareness is conditional upon the changability of our human emotions.) I know my life matters because of the value placed upon and into it by God. I guess it was cool to have the understanding shaken up a bit. It brings much sobriety when we see the gift-nature of everything we get to do in a day.

All of this is not to say we have no part in this cooperative thing of life with God. It's to say we (I) would be wise to never walk down the path leading to the sedituous thinking that God is getting a good deal having us (me) on His team.

A random side-bar: In the midst of all of this, Nathaniel's calling keeps coming up. (John 1:45-51) Anyone see the significance? I'd value your thoughts...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Significance noted: Nathaniel is the portrait of what we should probably strive deceit in us, and along with that honesty comes a comment such as him asking if anything good can come from Nazareth. Then Jesus tells him, Nathaniel, who he, Nathaniel, really is. His identity. Nathaniel sees the clear divinity of Jesus and recognizes Him for His true identity. And then Jesus in clear super-hero fashion says that if that's all it takes to impress Nathaniel, he will be blown away at the wonders he is about to see.

Nathaniel receives his Identity and importance from Jesus and through that, sees the identity and importance of Jesus.

At least thats what came to my head and heart.

9:38 PM

Blogger Will said...

That's good stuff Petie. Makes me wonder if it doesn't come down to our sense of wonder, kind of like Nathaniel? Do we get so caught up in our own super-hero syndrome, become so impressed with ourselves, and then minimize the amazing feats of Jesus in our lives? I have a feeling that one genuine encounter with Christ is enough to bring us back to ground level.

6:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha definitely man. I wish those genuine encounters happened more frequently. Even when my disciplines are...well...disciplined for lack of a better term, the genuine encounter with Christ that brings me back to ground level seems to truly only happen periodically. I suppose that is another way in which God matures and disciples us, with patience. I've often wondered if greater faith (or less doubt, that would probably be the more appropriate term, not as egotistical) would mean that God doesn't need to reveal Himself to us as much? Hmm...anyways, I enjoy reading your stuff man. Keep it up. Hope all is well at Southland. You come up in my prayers often. Thanks for the encouraging words and advice that you gave me before we came out to Seattle. Hope to see you soon.

9:01 AM


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