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Friday, October 19, 2007

Two moments.

OK. Two embarassing moments from this past weekend... Moment #1:

1) While helping coach my daughters' soccer team, I was kicking balls out of the back of net from behind the goal so they could reuse them. All was going great until I got my foot caught in the net and was sent sprawling flat on my back. When everyone realized I wasn't hurt, the laughter began. I can remember thinking to myself, "This will probably be the most embarassing moment of this day..."

Then I performed the wedding that afternoon. Moment #2:

2) This was an outdoor wedding at a local horse-farm. It was a beautiful day. The horses had come up to the fence in the neighboring field. A picturesque setting. But no sound system for the two hundred in attendance to hear well, so I had to nearly shout out in order to be heard. Those of you who know me well know that with my soft-spoken nature, shouting is not my forte. So I'm concentrating on speaking loudly and clearly, and I look up from my notes when I begin quoting a scripture I've quoted many times before... "Genesis 2 says that a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife" That's what I should have said. Instead, I loudly, clearly, distinctly shouted, "Genesis 2 says that a man will leave his wife..."

[insert awkward pause]

[cue the laughter as people process what I've just said]

Moral of the story: Keep your footing. And stick to the script.


Blogger Michael Burchett said...

Did you just ruin these two people's special day?

9:20 PM


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