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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Still learning.

Among other things, Myron is a learner. Yesterday he challenged our entire team to answer the question: "What are you going to learn in the next year?" He got us out of our church-box mentality and encouraged us to think way beyond what we do in ministry. I couldn't narrow it down to one thing - and one of my answers still might be put in some people's church-box...

1) Process the 4 volumes and 2,000 pages of Christopher Alexander's magnum-opus, The Nature of Order. It's about wholeness and order in Architecture, but is metaphor for all of life - relationships, music, art, and more.

2) Finish War and Peace. I actually read 2/3 of it before stumbling onto a Dumas book I had never heard of. Those who recall my extreme appreciation for Dumas' work will understand - It preempted Tolstoy and I never got back to finish the last 1/3.

3) Read scripture through the lens of getting to know Jesus. It's unbelievably difficult to set information and knowledge to the side and prioritize knowing God better by encountering Him in the Text.


Blogger tdurbs said...

Yeah! We have one thing in common :) One of my goals in studying Scripture (for the rest of my life, but obviously starting now) is to see Jesus in every passage. It's been great so far.

7:45 AM


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