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Monday, August 13, 2007


I have awful vision. Ever heard of perfect 20/20 vision? Mine’s 20/400ish… I can see clearly up to about six inches without corrective lenses. I’ve worn glasses or contacts since the fourth grade. One night, in the tenth grade, I fell asleep in my contact lenses. Ever done that? There were no extended wear lenses then. They said not to sleep in them or they would dry out, stick to your eyeball and you’d have to have them removed professionally.

The contacts, not your eyeballs.

When I woke up in the morning, I blinked and everything was really fuzzy for a moment. I rubbed my eyes and the fuzziness cleared. I could see! I literally shouted out for my mom to tell her the good news! I’d been healed overnight! Not quite. I quickly realized that my eyes felt extremely dry and I spent the next ten minutes trying to get my contact lenses out…

We’ve got fuzzy vision. And we have trouble seeing the difference between a mistake and a miracle sometimes.

We like to have things neatly packaged, don't we? We like to have control. We like to avoid any possible mess. But, if your life is like mine... isn't it true that sometimes something that looks like a horrendous mess becomes a massive blessing?


Blogger tonymyles said...

Kind of like this whole world... for now.

11:58 PM


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