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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Trying really hard to impress.

Durbs pointed me to this article.

Isn't it interesting how we seem to think the calling of the rich young ruler is meant for everyone? Is it our pride that makes us want to be the one who can take on that challenge and overcome it? I have a feeling Jesus' growth step for each of us is uniquely suited to where we are, how we are currently living/thinking, where we need heart-surgery... Honestly, I believe the story in the article above shares a rather humorous result of trying too hard spiritually. Bonhoeffer used this filter from Matthew 6: "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." He flips it and says we can measure what our treasure is by where our heart is. If that treasure turns out to be anything but God, then we need to spend some time really wrestling with God and ourselves about it. How can we get rid of the mentality of requiring impressive spiritual gymnastics of ourselves in order to feel like we're accepted by God?


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