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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So long.

Ever have the experience of going so long without calling someone that when you finally do realize you haven't called in a while it suddenly feels awkward to call? I have the same problem with my lack of blogging. I think, "You know, it's been so long that people probably have stopped checking in. Maybe I won't post anything." So this is for the random reader and possibly even entirely for myself.

It hits me that it's kind of like spending loads of time with people you love. When you run out of things to say, the quiet becomes normal, then you try to strike up a conversation. It's awkward. When you run out of things to do, go a long time in a routine that's been dull for a good while, then try to get everyone motivated to try something new. It's tough. Yet it's worth it.

Do I do the same thing with God? Do you?

How can we break out of the routines that have become lifeless?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ingredients for a good day.

Apparently the following is what makes up a good day, since yesterday was a good one...

1) Begin by getting soaked by torrential rain despite the use of an umbrella. If the insides of the pockets in your jeans get wet, you're doing it just right.

2) Eat at the Asbury College cafeteria with a new friend, a professor and PhD candidate at the college.

3) Smile for a photo shoot for your website/staff directory.

4) Meet with your supervisor to talk through the challenges you're having with meeting a given objective and find common ground in solving the dilemma.

5) Run in the rain and get soaked to the bone.

6) Launch a new community of artists to do life together, grow spirtually, and care for one another and serve others in their worlds of work, life, etc.

7) Watch The Arsenal clobber Slavia Prague 7 - 0 in their champions league fixture, remaining unbeaten in all competitions this year, and winning 12 in a row in all competitions.

8) Spend quality time with your wife before bed.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Two moments.

OK. Two embarassing moments from this past weekend... Moment #1:

1) While helping coach my daughters' soccer team, I was kicking balls out of the back of net from behind the goal so they could reuse them. All was going great until I got my foot caught in the net and was sent sprawling flat on my back. When everyone realized I wasn't hurt, the laughter began. I can remember thinking to myself, "This will probably be the most embarassing moment of this day..."

Then I performed the wedding that afternoon. Moment #2:

2) This was an outdoor wedding at a local horse-farm. It was a beautiful day. The horses had come up to the fence in the neighboring field. A picturesque setting. But no sound system for the two hundred in attendance to hear well, so I had to nearly shout out in order to be heard. Those of you who know me well know that with my soft-spoken nature, shouting is not my forte. So I'm concentrating on speaking loudly and clearly, and I look up from my notes when I begin quoting a scripture I've quoted many times before... "Genesis 2 says that a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife" That's what I should have said. Instead, I loudly, clearly, distinctly shouted, "Genesis 2 says that a man will leave his wife..."

[insert awkward pause]

[cue the laughter as people process what I've just said]

Moral of the story: Keep your footing. And stick to the script.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Many thanks to Trevor for introducing me to Mutemath. Unbelievable creativity with this video...



Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A response for Peter in Erlangen, Germany...

Fur meiner Freund und Bruder Peter Aschoff, der wohnt nur ein kilometer weit von meiner alte hause (1976-1979)... Fur Grammatik, das tut mir leid.

Meine antworte:

1. Mein Verein ist und bleibt …
Es gibt keine Frage. Bayern Munchen.

2. Ein (ehemaliger) Bundesligaspieler, den ich als Persönlichkeit achte, ist …

3. Mein Lieblingsspruch eines Spielers lautet:
Jeder Fussballer der hat gesagt, “I have a year left on my contract. I’m not going anywhere.” Und geht doch weg.

4. Lieblingsspruch eines Trainers:
Jose Mourinho nach sorgen mit die Quarantäne seiner Hund - "The dog is fine in Portugal - that big threat is away - you don't have to worry about crime anymore."

5. Falls die Bayern diese Saison nicht Meister werden, dann wird es …
Hoffentlich wird es Werder. Weil die Brasilien Repräsentanten dar sind und meine Frau hatten sie am liebsten... 

6. Als Traditionsclub würde ich gerne wieder in der ersten Liga sehen …

7. Die Bundesliga verfolge ich am liebsten via …
GolTV in Amerika.

8. Ein denkwürdiges Bundesligaspiel, das ich besonders in Erinnerung habe, ist …
Den Tor Diego’s gegen Aachen – 62,5 meters weit von Tor.

9. Eine Regel, die ich am liebsten sofort abschaffen würde, wäre …
Auf Englisch, January transfers being “Cup Tied” or unavailable for Cup competition.

10. Sportschau oder Sportstudio?
Ich weiss nicht...

7 days, 12 hours.

That would be the amount of time it takes to be back in your home country to get your feet on the ground with your family, friends, and ministry before you make another post on your web site... The trip to Northern Ireland accomplished what it was intended to accomplish - to spend time with the believers. There were plenty of one-on-one conversations, prayer times, teaching opportunities, and more, as you've read over the past two weeks. As I continue on with the ministry here, it is a blessing to have been a part of the Kingdom work in Northern Ireland. I am challenged by the way the believers persevere there in the midst of their culture. The enemy is hard at work trying to steal their joy and unity through relational strife, but we can continue to pray for God to bring people together and not allow the enemy a further foothold. Thank you all for your prayers, your support, and your friendship. I couldn't have made it without you.